

Friday, January 13, 2012

What is a Border?

What is a border?                                                         
Is it a line that cuts two countries?
Is it a limit that defines each boundary?
What is a border?
Does it stop disorder?
Will it give new orders?
What is a border?
Does it keep you from dreaming?
Does it cease your shadow from beaming?
What is a border?
Is it swallowing your thoughts?
Is it destroying your hopes?
What is a border?
Who sets a border?
Is it you?
Is it me?
Is it them?
Is it us?
Can you tell me who?
Who are "You"?
Who am "I"?
Who are they?
Politicians to blame!
Leaders of shame!
Who is to be blamed?
Well.. all I am asking!?!
What is a border?