

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Awakening Sunflower

Sunflowers stood upon the edge 
Awaken and ready to pledge
Sunlight set things to ablaze 
Revealing the darkness that’s hidden from your face

Golden shadows beamed and glowed
Crossing miles and railroads
Their bright presence had unloaded
Above all the weeds and roses, they had spoken 

Words of wisdom to rejoice
Find a purpose and dig up the soil
Raise your words not your voice 
Quench your thirst as rain grows sunflowers not by choice 

Each night, war of drums beats
They’d skip and repeat
Sunflowers are awaken from their deep sleep
To elevate your hopes and dreams

They’re ready to spread seeds of happiness 
To wipe your sorrows and sadness 
Because you, “dearest highness”
Should take a cause and dive  in
Break some doors and walk like a champion

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